I have been learning to play the electronic keyboard since 2005, and I have always wanted to learn western classical music and play music of diverse cultures and from various time periods. I got introduced to western classical music in 2016 when I joined Sadhana Music School, Bengaluru to learn music under Sagar Gururaj. From the beginning, I loved the method of teaching that the LCM syllabus had for staff notation, counting beats, and time signature. I learned music with a new method, and this perspective helped me understand, assimilate and make sense of all the patterns of scales more easily. With every grade I learned, I was introduced to new styles of music with new instruments and a new method of playing them on the keyboard. The learning was not only limited to classes and exam preparations but also continued during the interactions with the examiners during the aural exams. What impressed me the most was that my learning did not get limited when we switched from offline exams to online exams during the Covid pandemic. The quality of exams and the difficulty level were consistent and challenging, just as in the pre-covid times. The pattern of exams encouraged me to evolve with the changing times and taught me to overcome hurdles such as fear of performing and recording with a camera. Since I was in the higher grades of LCM Exams, I was encouraged to work more on myself and research more about the music I was learning. My journey as a student was well nurtured and nourished, and I enjoyed every moment of it.